Brain aneurysms are not always hereditary. However, there are cases when more than one person in a family are affected by a brain aneurysm.
When two or more first degree relatives (parent, child, or sibling) have been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, these are called, familial aneurysms.
Members of these families are at higher risk of having a brain aneurysm, therefore, it is highly recommended that they are scanned. Clinical studies have shown that in some families there had been first, second and third degree relatives affected with a brain aneurysm.
Since losing our daughter and starting The Chelsea King Burney Charity, I have learned of a lot of people who have been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. Many of which have two or more, first and second degree relatives that have also been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. I strongly urge everyone that falls into this category to speak to your primary physician and request a scan to rule out a brain aneurysm.