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The primary purpose of The Chelsea King Burney Charity is to promote brain aneurysm & AVM awareness by providing knowledge and education of the signs and symptoms in hopes of preventing rupture, disability or death.  Our goal is to do this in our local communities, state and across the US. 


The need for more awareness, education and support of brain aneurysms and AVM's became a reality to me after losing our daughter to a rupture. The Chelsea King Burney Charity has been my heart's desire ever since.   There are many large foundations and other groups that are doing a great job at spreading awareness all across the country as well as supporting funding for further research on these conditions.  The Chelsea King Burney Charity is joining forces with them and reaching toward our goal of saving lives. 

The plans for The Chelsea King Burney Charity include contacting medical communities to help implement the following:

  • Adding brain aneurysm & AVM history to new and existing patient forms/paperwork. This is important because if a patient is experiencing symptoms or has a history of headaches and has a  close relative with a history of brain aneurysm or AVM's, they would be a candidate for a scan.

  • Make brain aneurysm and AVM awareness a priority along with awareness of other health issues. This can be done by adding educational literature in doctor offices, clinics, urgent care facilities and hospitals as well as on their websites. 

  • Help the medical communities be aware of the need for physicians, emergency staff and paramedics to be educated on the signs and symptoms of an aneurysm and AVM rupture and the need for responding quickly. This could save lives and reduce some of the permanent deficits caused by the bleed.

  • Provide network support for patients and families that have been affected by a brain aneurysm or an AVM.

Our goal is help all medical practitioners maintain a high level of suspicion for the possibility of a brain aneurysms or an AVM since many patients may initially have a small leak of blood causing symptoms hours or days before a catastrophic bleed occurs. 


People that have close family members that have been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm are at a higher risk of having one; therefore, need to be screened themselves. One of the future goals for The Chelsea King Burney Charity is to provide financial assistance to those in need of scans in order to  possibly save a life. 

Another goal for The Chelsea King Burney Charity is to help support the needs in our local communities in Honor of Brain Aneurysm & AVM Awareness while spreading awareness as many ways as we can. 



 The Chelsea King Burney Charity

PO Box 215

Webster, Fl 33597



join our mission

With your support The Chelsea King Burney Charity can spread awareness and provide education of this deadly and life debilitating health condition that is so often unknown, overlooked or ignored.

Brain Aneurysm & AVM Awareness, The Chelsea King Burney Charity, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Any donation made is 100% tax deductible


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share  with us

If you or a loved one has suffered from a

brain aneurysm or an AVM we would love for

you to share your story with us.  Survivor

stories play a big part in awareness as well

as support for others going through this



Please email us at

or contact us through the link below for our Facebook Awareness Page. 


We look forward to hearing from you.

Find us on Facebook and like our page.

Follow us on Instagram and TikTok! 

We also have a Support & Prayer Group on Facebook.

 YouTube coming soon !

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